and other assorted pastimes

Archive for the ‘Roller Derby’ Category

2013 is off to a fast start.

There is something fresh and invigorating about taking the mic in a new house.   It’s early season when derby girls are gilded with fresh warpaint and the enthusiasm of competition.  A slew of new fans for the sport have meandered to their seats and wait to see what this is all about.  When I turn on that microphone and welcome them I get a rush of energy that doesn’t leave until the final announcement of the night.  MizRabbit2013

There are many opinions about who the announcer speaks for in a roller derby bout and each of them valid to the mouth and the league they are working with.  A top ranked league will fill a house with people that know the sport while a new league hosting their first bout probably has a lot of people that have never seen flat track roller derby.  I have experience with the emerging leagues.  I find if you establish a rapport with the crowd they will let you know what they need.  The teacher in me loves the new fans with their interest in learning.  The more the fans get noisy and involved the more the skaters feed on the crowd’s energy.  When the crowd becomes part of the house and knows when to cheer on their own it is a magic time for me.  They get it.  They can follow the sport.  The strategies and nuances of the game will build as long as they GET IT.  I have done my job and with any luck they will flock to the skaters for autographs at the end of the bout.

I am the voice of the league honoring their sponsors.  I am the voice of the refs translating zebra for the multitudes.  I am the voice of the volunteers reminding the crowd we are all here for the fun.  I am the voice of the skaters giving a shout out to their family and friends.  I am the voice of the crowd encouraging everyone in the hall to have a great time.

As a member of the Association of Flat Track Roller Derby Announcers, AFTDA, I follow a code of conduct to maintain a level of professionalism during my journey as a derby mouth.  I learn something new every time I announce a bout and I hope that never ends!  I learn from other announcers when I have the privilege of working with them.  I learn from referees every bout.  I learn more and more about the sport every time I see a league of skaters repeatedly turn left before my eyes.

The month of April arrives and I have already announced 7 roller derby bouts this season.  It has been interesting juggling the home bout schedules for all of my leagues.  It is going to be a very busy season!

Night of the Rolling Dead

Jack and Stats

Jack working with Roller Stats

Rabbit on the mic

Rabbit on the mic

Jack and I headed down to Rome GA for a tournament hosted by the Rome Rollergirls. Jack brought the Roller Stats program he is creating for derby announcers and teams. He has been working on this program for a few weeks and it is coming along nicely. When I am announcing the bout, Roller Stats gives me nice details to sprinkle into the banter. This was my first tournament to announce and I ended up doing it solo. I promised the president of the league that I had enough ego to manage the mic on my own. (no arguments I suppose?) Chattanooga Roller Girls won the tournament and took home the trophy.

The final home bout of the 2011 season is November 19th at the Chattanooga Convention Center.

Chattanooga Roller Girls vs Little City Roller Girls

The voice of the Little City Roller Girls is Big Daddy Voodoo and I am looking forward to working with him on the mic.  I have come a long way since the workshop he gave last winter.

Talk Derby

When I set my sights on announcing roller derby I knew it would be a challenge to learn new skills but the journey is most of the fun. I already talk for a living.  Getting on the microphone in public is never an issue.  The lure to the mic is learning.  I already love the sport of roller derby and who doesn’t love fun sports played well?  These women are some of my favorite athletes and I never cease to be amazed at how easily the skates are an extension of the skaters.

Big Daddy Voodoo's Announcer Workshop

Before I announced a single bout I traveled to Johnson City Tennessee to attend an announcer workshop with Big Daddy Voodoo.  It was nice to meet other announcers in the region and a big boost to the confidence to pass the mic around with so many fun voices during a regional scrimmage.    I keep learning more and more every time I get a chance and have come to enjoy talking to myself in the corner at the league scrimmages.

I enjoy announcing the home bouts of the Chattanooga Roller Girls. They are an apprentice league in WFTDA and I hope to improve and advance right along with them.

Johnson City Announcer Workshop February 2011

Johnson City Announcer Workshop February 2011



Raw talent unleashed!

Rome Rollergirls

The Rome Rollergirls invited me down south a bit to help announce their home bout Peaches and Scream against the Classic City Bad News B’s.  I worked with Jason and had a blast.  Jack kept stats for me, Jason did most of the play by play, and I added color to my heart’s content. It was very flattering to be invited to announce for another league.

Roll Models – July 23, 2011

The Chattanooga Roller Girls vs Classic City Rollergirls (Athens GA)

Chattanooga Convention Center

Role Model final scoreWhen these teams faced off last year Classic City sent CRG home in defeat.  The bout ended differently this year. More than a thousand cheering fans watched the Chattanooga Roller Girls skate a victory along the convention center floor.  The weeks of practice with the team scrimmages paid off and I was very comfortable talking derby for the bout. I announced the game with Kevin Bartolomucci.

Rabbit at Roll Models
Before the bout I relaxed by knitting a few rows on a colorful wave scarf.  My ensemble included the Luck of the Draw Shawl and Fascinator.