and other assorted pastimes

Archive for the ‘Fingernails’ Category

Painting my nails

I call it nail therapy.  My nails grow thick and fast.  There have been years in my life when I called my claws a curse.  They can grow thick enough to double as screw drivers (which they often did in the Navy) and they chew up nail clippers at an alarming rate.  I never tried to tame them until last year and now I can’t stop playing with them.  Did I mention I also have an annoying habit of ripping and chewing my cuticles?  I paint my nails to try and control the overwhelming desire to rip my fingertips to shreds.  That’s why I call it therapy.

When I found nail art tutorials on youtube I became totally entranced.   I was starting to get better at applying nail polish with my left hand and became brave enough to actually try Imagesomething a bit more artistic than solid colors.  [Enter crackle stage right]  The Fourth of July, red and blue polish, white crackle, and a Doctor Who marathon later and I had my first nail art.  It probably took 4 hours to paint these but most of that time was waiting for each layer to dry.  Not only did I really love the finished look, I enjoyed the process.  I discovered 10 tiny canvases to play with and an amazing array of colors available to paint with.   Call it a hobby, call it an obsession, I like to keep calling it therapy.

I have enjoyed every foray into nail art I have attempted and i have no doubt I will continue working on my nail therapy as long as I am able.  Who knows?  Maybe my left hand will eventually figure out how to do what my right hand is doing.


Water Marble August 2012


Christmas 2012


Winter 2013


Magnetic Polish
January 2013


Valentine 2013


Birthday Cupcakes
March 2013


Easter Peeps


Early April