and other assorted pastimes

Sometimes you find something you enjoy so much you just have to share it with others. If no one in your circle of family and friends are interested in participating in your obsession it makes no difference.  You know you enjoy this. You know you want to continue to invest your time and energy into learning more about it. You know you cannot give this up.   So you have several choices.  You can continue along in your solitary pursuit or find new people who share your passion.

Knitting is like that for me. Not just yarn and knitting needles but all kinds of fiber arts. I like puzzles and fiber allows me to make all the pieces I could want and if they fit together just right the puzzle makes something wonderful.  I do this mostly on my own.  My friends and family rarely get involved in making things.  I share these wonderful things with strangers. I discuss patterns and yarn, show off pictures of things I have made and all with total strangers on the Internet.  Sometimes I take my latest project out in public and knit with strangers.  Often these people are just friends I have not met yet.  Either way I enjoy my fiber and get to meet new people at the same time.